Impotant Dates to Remember

Important Dates to Remember

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Friday, December 10, 2010

History Visits the 5th Grade

Annawon Weeden, named after the last Wampanoag war chief to surrender during King Philip’s War, began performing with his family during his early years. Since then he has become a father, activist, tribal mentor, artist, singer, dancer, model and actor. His work has been featured at the Haffenreffer Museum, Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, the Smithsonian and the Boston Children's Museum, and he has appeared in numerous publications including National Geographic. Currently, he is an educator working at schools and museums but also spends much of his time volunteering cultural services for his tribe. As an actor, he has appeared in films on the Discovery Channel, PBS, and most recently in Journey to 10,000 B.C. for the History Channel.

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