Impotant Dates to Remember

Important Dates to Remember

2012-2013 School Year is almost Over

How has your year been?

Friday, May 20, 2011

Natalie Babitt By: Clara

We just finished our classroom lit. circles focusing on books written by children's author Natalie Babbitt. The three choices were Kneeknock Rise, Tuck Everlasting, & Search for Delicious. Everyone loved the chance to break into smaller groups to discuss the books.  Finishing these books meant something special because the author is going to be visiting our school.

The Search For Delicious, is about a boy named Gaylen who goes on a quest to find a 900-year-old creature. Tuck Everlasting, is about the a girl named Winnie Foster who gets captured. Kneeknock Rise, is about a boy who visits his relatives and learns of a scary beast that lives in the mountains. 

The fifth grade teachers have organized an event through Miss Foley-Marsello, to have Natalie Babbitt come and talk to the whole 5th grade. On Tuesday, May 24th Mrs. Babbitt will visit our grade to discuss these books and other in more detail. It will be very exciting to have the opportunity to meet this author after reading many of her books.  It will be very special for each literature group to get more insight into characters, conflicts, and plot since we have completed out literature circle books.

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