Impotant Dates to Remember

Important Dates to Remember

2012-2013 School Year is almost Over

How has your year been?

Friday, November 12, 2010

5th Grade News

Dear 5th Grade Families,

This week, our trip to to Plimoth Plantation was fun and informative.  The students all demonstrated great appreciation and curiosity when visiting both the Wampanoag homesite and the Colonial Plantation.  Students asked thoughtful questions and recorded them diligently while waiting patiently and eagerly to interview members of the plantation and homesite.  In the coming week, students will compile their information from the trip and enrich it with research done independently.  They will then present their information to the class using visual aids and hands-on activities.  We can't wait to see what they come up with!

On another note, we had our first literature circle meetings this week.  As the students reflected on what contributed to successful meetings, they discussed how well their group members listened, how important it is for each group member to arrive prepared, how valuable it is to hear all five voices in the group, and meeting their goal of having conversations rather than a series of presentations. The thirty minute meetings are a pleasure to listen in on, and they provide even more insight into who your sons and daughters are as learners and leaders.

Have a fantastic long weekend!

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