Impotant Dates to Remember

Important Dates to Remember

2012-2013 School Year is almost Over

How has your year been?

Friday, November 19, 2010

Blue Hills By: Ryan

 “We are going to hike in the pouring rain, really?” Patrick
“Yes, but if it is too wet we can always have the bus bring us to the top of the hill.” Mr. C
“We should hike no matter what!” Daniel

The destination of our class was, Blue Hills Weather Observatory.  In science we’re in the middle of a unit on weather documentation and observation.  The bus ride to Blue Hills was extremely long.  When we arrived in Milton we were glad our teachers decided to hike the Hill. The hike up the hill was about thirty or forty minutes. The cold weather made the large droplets feel like sleet.  When we arrived at the Blue Hills Observatory, two gentlemen showed us into the building.  The grade was broken up into companion groups.  Each group had a different activity that they were going to do.  The two groups would then switch and do the other activity.

The first activity was to learn a little background information about the weather observatory.  We watched a newscast about the weather station, and went on a scavenger hunt through the small museum looking for answers to our worksheet.  We also got to see a member of the Blue Hills team, Mr. Skilling, recording weather information.  This year Mr. Skilling is celebrating fifty years of work at the Blue Hills Weather Observatory.

Our second activity was building our very own weather kites.  We called the kites that we built, flexible flyers.  Along with balloons, these kites help weather observers record weather data. The data collected helps meteorologists record changes in the region over a period of time. The trip to Blue Hills was a complete success.  We are all very excited to see what we will be doing next in science.

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