Impotant Dates to Remember

Important Dates to Remember

2012-2013 School Year is almost Over

How has your year been?

Friday, February 11, 2011

Writer's Voice BY: Mae & Andrew

Poet and children's author Lyn Littlefield Hoopes, visited Mr. Church's class recently and taught an exercise to strengthen our ability to listen to our writer's voice.  Mrs. Hoopes introduced the poetry we would write, by first introducing photographs she took at  Yosemite National Park. She shared a few poems that she created in the moment.  Our poetry would be based on paintings from the famous artist Vincent Van Gogh.  We are going to write two poems about these paintings.  The first poem we worked on was from the perspective of something in the painting.  After this poem is finished we are going write a second poem from a different perspective in the painting.  Here are two examples of poems that students have written;              
Moon Glow                                                           Lake of Life
By Mae                                                                 By Andrew

Swirly the sea                                                       I am the lake
Wavy the night                                                      Lapping quietly
Stars like fireflies                                                 At the shore
Glow oh so bright                                                 The wind
And I                                                                    Lightly rippling
The moon                                                             My surface
The leader of light                                               Churning the reflections
Look down over town                                            Of boats
Lighting the night                                                 Into beautiful patterns
The Cypress curves up                                           And designs of art
My glow flickering down                                       The leaves
The stone bear of the hills                                    Of willow trees
Is guarding her cub                                               Floating down
The city below                                                      Ever so slowly
She’ll give it some love                                         Landing silently
The river of sky                                                    In the water
Rolls like the sea                                                  A frog hops into me
The sight’s just enough                                         Scared off
To really calm me                                                 By father and son
The sapphire sky                                                  Cattails waving gently
The buttercup stars                                              In the breeze
The light and the love                                          Birds calling softly
Shining down                                                        In the still
Is enough to be shared                                          A fish jumps
All around                                                            Landing with a splash
                                                                            Its mouth full
                                                                            With juicy fly     
                                                                            A water lilly    
                                                                            Floating still
                                                                            A bee pollinates
                                                                            Its silver bloom
                                                                            I am nature
                                                                           This lake within me

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