Impotant Dates to Remember

Important Dates to Remember

2012-2013 School Year is almost Over

How has your year been?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Day By: Ryan & Andrew

The past few weeks have been littered with Snow Days.  Many of our classmates hope there are no more excused days from school.

One students was quoted as saying, "The Snow must GO!"

The snow days we had gave us the opportunity to get some extra rest, and work on long term projects.  Some people in the class visited with friends, and others took trips up north to go skiing.    When the snow started falling our classmates had no idea that it would reach this amount.  Schools all over the state have been closed, and Morning Meetings have been filled with stories of roadside disasters we have all seen.  In school the extra snow has allowed us to go out for some sledding during recess. We used the field hockey hill to do the sledding.  We went down the hill solo, two in a sled, and even three in a sled.  

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